This is the last of a series of uproar against the arbitrariness of an administration. I am decent enough not to call the responsibles per name. Meanwhile the cease and desist order passed the deadline of 3 weeks. Until now I have now no feedback whether the changes I made suffice. I let you know definitely how this story is going to evolve.
After all I am fed up of tossing and turning words endlessly. If you do copy texting like this, you get the feeling that the meaning of words is melting away on your tongue and slipping off your hands.
This video blog is just scratching the surface of what branding for a completely unknown substance feels like, for me it is something evading control completely. To plunge into branding feels so fluid, so volatile, no solid grounds under your feet, never, uncertainty a daily companion. Branding is beyond your control. Enjoy listening and please, give me your ideas and opinions.
My love for BIESTMILCH will never end. This substance taught me so much. BIESTMILCH chnaged my life, and still does!