How then does the universal principle of immunity evolve in species?
Today we know that the internal and external maternal transmission of essential molecules such as immunoglobulins, fragments of bacteria and viruses induce the immunity. We know that this transmission is a universal phenomenon in all species characterized and patterned by the coevolution with bacteria and viruses. All life be it in the fruit fly, the water bug, the trout, the ant, the quail, or in mammals, it is the mother that passes on the immunity to the offspring and thus determines the health status of youngster.
Mothers transfer the microbiome and as an emergent phenomenon the immunity to the offspring. Sources of transfer are the womb, the placenta, amniotic fluid, the vagina, the skin, for the invertebrates the egg and for the vertebrate the breast milk including Biestmilch. The microbiome is the scaffolding for the immune system of the baby to thrive on and the foundation for a healthy life.
Immunity is a property across all species. There is no life without immunity.
Bacteria are essential that the immunity can evolve. We make such a big fuss about hygiene, and forget how important the microbes are for our wellbeing, right from the very beginning of our lives.
Please, listen to the video podcast on top of this page. It's yet another short episode to introduce another view on the organism. We first cut out functional units and try to rebuild the body as a relational entity.